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🚀 Fastest jsonwebtoken in OpenHarmony.


ohpm install @ohos-rs/jsonwebtoken


import buffer from '@ohos.buffer';
export const enum Algorithm {
    /** HMAC using SHA-256 */
    HS256 = 0,
    /** HMAC using SHA-384 */
    HS384 = 1,
    /** HMAC using SHA-512 */
    HS512 = 2,
    /** ECDSA using SHA-256 */
    ES256 = 3,
    /** ECDSA using SHA-384 */
    ES384 = 4,
    /** RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256 */
    RS256 = 5,
    /** RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384 */
    RS384 = 6,
    /** RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512 */
    RS512 = 7,
    /** RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 */
    PS256 = 8,
    /** RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 */
    PS384 = 9,
    /** RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 */
    PS512 = 10,
    /** Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) */
    EdDSA = 11

export interface Header {
     * The algorithm used
     * Defined in [RFC7515#4.1.1](
     * Default to `HS256`
    algorithm?: Algorithm
     * Content type
     * Defined in [RFC7519#5.2](
    contentType?: string
     * JSON Key URL
     * Defined in [RFC7515#4.1.2](
    jsonKeyUrl?: string
     * JSON Web Key
     * Defined in [RFC7515#4.1.3](
     * Key ID
     * Defined in [RFC7515#4.1.4](
    keyId?: string
     * X.509 URL
     * Defined in [RFC7515#4.1.5](
    x5Url?: string
     * X.509 certificate chain. A Vec of base64 encoded ASN.1 DER certificates.
     * Defined in [RFC7515#4.1.6](
    x5CertChain?: Array<string>
     * X.509 SHA1 certificate thumbprint
     * Defined in [RFC7515#4.1.7](
    x5CertThumbprint?: string
     * X.509 SHA256 certificate thumbprint
     * Defined in [RFC7515#4.1.8](
     * This will be serialized/deserialized as "x5t#S256", as defined by the RFC.
    x5TS256CertThumbprint?: string

export interface Validation {
     * If it contains a value, the validation will check that the `aud` field is a member of the
     * audience provided and will error otherwise.
     * Defaults to an empty collection.
    aud?: Array<string>
     * Which claims are required to be present before starting the validation.
     * This does not interact with the various `validate_*`. If you remove `exp` from that list, you still need
     * to set `validate_exp` to `false`.
     * The only value that will be used are "exp", "nbf", "aud", "iss", "sub". Anything else will be ignored.
     * Defaults to `exp`.
    requiredSpecClaims?: Array<string>
     * Add some leeway (in seconds) to the `exp` and `nbf` validation to
     * account for clock skew.
     * Defaults to `60`.
    leeway?: number
     * Whether to validate the `exp` field.
     * Defaults to `true`.
    validateExp?: boolean
     * Whether to validate the `nbf` field.
     * It will return an error if the current timestamp is before the time in the `nbf` field.
     * Defaults to `false`.
    validateNbf?: boolean
     * If it contains a value, the validation will check that the `sub` field is the same as the
     * one provided and will error otherwise.
     * Turned off by default.
    sub?: string
     * The algorithm used to verify the signature.
     * Defaults to `HS256`.
    algorithms?: Array<Algorithm>
     * If it contains a value, the validation will check that the `iss` field is a member of the
     * iss provided and will error otherwise.
     * Use `set_issuer` to set it
     * Defaults to an empty collection.
    iss?: Array<string>
     * Whether to validate the JWT signature.
     * Defaults to `true`.
    validateSignature?: boolean

export function decodeHeader(token: string): Header
export function sign(claims: Record<string, any>, key: string | buffer.Buffer, header?: Header | undefined | null): Promise<string>
export function signSync(claims: Record<string, any>, key: string | buffer.Buffer, header?: Header | undefined | null): string
export function verify(token: string, key: string | buffer.Buffer, validation?: Validation | undefined | null): Promise<Record<string,any>>
export function verifySync(token: string, key: string | buffer.Buffer, validation?: Validation | undefined | null): Record<string,any>


  const iat = getUtcTimestamp()
const claims = {
    data: {
        id: 'f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6',
        pr: 33,
        isM: true,
        set: ['KL', 'TV', 'JI'],
        nest: { id: 'poly' },
    exp: iat + oneDayInSeconds,
const secretKey = 'secret'
const resSync = signSync(claims, secretKey)
const resAsync = await sign(claims, secretKey)